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How to Avoid Stress this Holiday Season

By: Claire Massey

The holidays are upon us! For some, that means joy and excitement with hot cocoa and Hallmark movies on replay, and for others, it is the most stressful time of the year. From shopping for that last-minute gift, family gatherings, traveling, traffic, long lines, busy stores, projects and more, the holidays become more stressful than joyous.

The holidays should be a time for enjoying family and friends, making traditions, giving back, being thankful and looking forward to the new year! Here are some ways you can stress less and enjoy a little more:

 Let go

Everything doesn’t have to be perfect. We are all perfectionists in our own way. Whether it’s trying to cook your mother’s famous dish or wrapping the presents to look like a picture on Pinterest, we all want to fulfill these expectations we have for ourselves and from others. Try to let go, try a new dish, have a wrapping party with the kids and be YOU.

Start a new tradition

As families grow, traditions grow too. If you feel overwhelmed by carrying on family traditions and the expectations of those traditions, try to add in a new tradition that is meaningful to your family, such as volunteering, making holiday treats, decorating ornaments, caroling, or driving around to view holiday lights.

Take time to yourself

Finding time to yourself during the hustle and bustle is difficult, but prioritizing yourself is key to staying sane. Taking a long walk outside, watching a movie by yourself, blocking time on your schedule as “me time” or going to bed early, can all help the holidays be more enjoyable for you and everyone around you 

Watch your budget

The major stress for most people during the holidays is money. Buying gifts, hosting parties, traveling and more - they all come with a price tag. Be sure to set a reasonable budget and stick to it. Homemade gifts are perfect too.

Plan Ahead

Try to look ahead and see what you need to plan for and what steps need to be taken. Make a list and a timeline to cover all your tasks. If you still feel overwhelmed, hand off some of your to-do list to other family members and check in with them until the project is complete. It is amazing how delegating can reduce your stress level.

So, this holiday season, let go, go caroling, enjoy some cocoa, get crafty and make a list, because we all deserve to be calm during the holiday chaos. Happy Holidays!

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