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Gambel Communications Blog

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"T" is for Tradition

By: Rosalind Hall, Administrative Coordinator

I have many titles around the office: administrative coordinator, office manager, personal assistant, staff mom. But there is one title in particular that I display with absolute honor…head elf.

You know where this is going. It’s November, and you’re about to read a blog about skipping over Thanksgiving right into the holidays. Not so fast. As head elf, I may be responsible for bringing the holiday cheer (as early as my coworkers will allow), but I try to respect all holidays because each brings its own traditions. Traditions add to our workplace camaraderie and culture. For instance, every year, we do an office potluck that gets everyone in the spirit!

Traditions are tantamount in my family, too, and while my coworkers may not believe it, they start at Thanksgiving. Growing up, my sister and I would wake up on Thanksgiving Day to catch the Macy’s Day parade in our slippers and PJ’s, eat chorizo y huevo with buttery tortillas as our mom threw the turkey in the oven (she always did the prep the day before because she is #momgoals). We’d always throw a football outside with our cousins and find any excuse to raid our abuelita’s closet for something dapper to wear at the kids' table (only the best dressed gets the whirly chair). Last, we’d hope to get called down to help dad carve the bird and attempt to make gravy—a skill I have now perfected. But my favorite Thanksgiving tradition every year comes post-turkey coma. And, unsurprisingly, it involves my more elfish tendencies.


Every year, my sister and I have, without fail, decorated the family house for Christmas on the 29th of November as part of a longstanding tradition for my parents' wedding anniversary. We insist they go out (and would even make dinner reservations for them) and then pull out all the decorations from the attic. The goal was to hang the outside lights and have the trees lit before they got home so we could all hang the ornaments on the tree together the next day. It got easier as we got older. Note to past self: seven years old is too young to be on a ladder by yourself in the dark. This tradition became more and more important to us as my sister and I went off to college and later lived in different states. No matter where we spend Christmas, we always return home for the holidays to have the tree ready to decorate together as a family. Admittedly, my parents learned to expect this gift as we sent them off to dinner each year, but no matter what, they would “ooh” and “ah” over our work and let us lead them on a guided tour on their newly bedazzled home. And I can’t think of a better tradition than one that brings a smile to a loved ones' faces.

Truly, there is a lot of responsibility in being a head elf. First and foremost, there is ensuring that traditions are honored within the home (and workplace) at any time of year. From my family to my co-workers, I make sure cheer is spread far and wide for all to hear. I have been doing it since I was seven, so I take a lot of pride and get a lot of joy out of it. This head elf hopes your Thanksgiving is full of gratitude, family and tradition that carries you in to a merry and blessed Christmas season. Gobble, gobble, y’all!

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