Decluttering Your Social Media Presence for Businesses
For brands, maintaining a presence on multiple social media platforms can be difficult, especially with each platform demanding it’s own strategy. Now there is a trend towards brands leaving multiple platforms to focus on one or two really well.
Managing multiple platforms can be time-consuming and resource intensive. If you are a small team or don’t have a specific person assigned to social media it can be tough to manage multiple pages. Each platform demands it’s own tailored content and with that has it’s own audience so owning a page on a platform that is not necessary is just eating your time. For example, if your core audience is baby boomers in a professional setting you shouldn’t be focusing on TikTok whose audience skews much younger. Businesses are increasingly willing to abandon platforms that don't meet their ROI expectations.
Different platforms require different word counts, engagement strategies and it can be hard to keep up with every one. As platforms change and their algorithms change you have to be able to understand and follow the new user and advertising features. In fact over 58% of marketers struggle to keep up with the pace of changes.
Remember it is better to do 1-2 things really well then 5-6 things mediocre. Organizations should shift their focus to a return on investment strategy – if you are not seeing an ROI in your content consider doing an audit and deciding which platforms are giving you the best engagement or other key performance indicators and focus on their content strategy. Even platforms with positive ROI may not be worth the investment if others show greater potential for growth. Align content with the norms and best practices of each platform for effective cross-posting.