Social Media and Modern Dating
Social media has changed how we connect with each other and that includes dating. For Valentine’s Day we wanted to dive into the role social media has in modern dating including some tips on what not to do.
Let’s talk about how social media has changed dating. Dating has obviously evolved from traditional methods to digital platforms. The role of dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble and Hinge have changed how people meet.
The shift in dating culture has only been heightened by social media – the speed and accessibility you have to personal information on a potential date is much faster and easier now than it used to be. Social media sites like Facebook also allow you to “update” your relationship status – which can put pressure on individuals if they are “not ready” to announce their couple to their online world.
So what are some do’s or don’ts of social media dating?
List your relationship status as single on social media to let potential dates know you’re available
Share interests and activities you enjoy like posting photos of hiking or biking, that way potential dates know what you like and would enjoy doing
Check out their profile and see if you have mutual friends and to learn about their personality.
Overshare details of your dates on social media
Complain or be negative about dates on your social media. Yes, it is a platform where some love to rant but that may turn off potential dates in the future if they see your feed full of complaints.
Jump to conclusions based on posts or photos you see – just because someone is photographed with someone else does not mean there is a romantic connection there.
Add or follow them on social media before your first date – unless you met on social media of course – otherwise it may be a bit premature and turn off some.