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Operation Restoration Receives $2 Million from MacKenzie Scott

New Orleans nonprofit named Yield Giving awardee

NEW ORLEANS, LA —Operation Restoration (OR) is one of 361 small nonprofits that billionaire philanthropist MacKenzie Scott announced as recipients of $640 million. The New Orleans-based nonprofit received a $2 million dollar gift in response to a competitive Yield Giving Open Call that initially received more than 6,300 applications.

The award comes at the end of a rigorous year-long process during which Operation Restoration’s programs and services underwent extensive peer and expert evaluations through Lever for Change, the nonprofit organization managing the process. Operation Restoration only applied for $1 million, but based on the rating received from their peers, evaluators recommended a larger dollar amount.

Founded in 2016 by Syrita Steib, Operation Restoration is one of New Orleans’ leading nonprofits and a national leader in the legal justice movement advocating for formerly incarcerated people, specifically for legal system-impacted women and girls. The organization offers more than 20 programs and services that provide education opportunities, transitional housing, advocacy, clothing, social services and direct assistance to clients.

“We are thrilled to receive this gift, which is the largest to date for Operation Restoration,” says Steib, President & CEO of the organization. “This gives us an opportunity to not only expand our efforts and the impact that we have on the lives of women and girls after incarceration, but it also gives us the ability to focus on our sustainability efforts for years to come.”

“Receiving this prestigious award reflects the dedication and hard work of everyone involved with Operation Restoration, as well as our efforts to address the often overlooked needs and challenges faced by these women and girls,” she adds.

Among Operation Restoration’s offerings is the College-in-Prison program in partnership with Tulane University’s School of Professional Development that allows women at Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women (LCIW) to earn a bachelor’s degree in social sciences.

Launched in March 2023, the Yield Giving Open Call focuses on elevating organizations working with people and in places experiencing the greatest need in the US—communities, families and individuals with the fewest foundational resources and opportunities.


About Operation Restoration

Operation Restoration (OR) supports women and girls impacted by incarceration to recognize their full potential, restore their lives and discover new possibilities. The New Orleans-based nonprofit organization focuses on advocacy, education, economic mobility and true economic equity for staff, clients and the community. Our goal is to remove financial incentives for incarceration/detention and to increase investments in social services, education, and healthcare for all people.

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