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Gambel Communications Blog

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Thriving Women in Business: Happy Women’s History Month!

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do it with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” – Maya Angelou

I’ve been fortunate to work with some amazingly dynamic women throughout my career. Stories of women in business have always inspired me to continuously want to do more. Some of the most impactful moments in college were when women specifically would share their journeys of climbing the corporate ladder, starting their own businesses, facing adversity or simply just getting started and realizing their passions.

Today, with social media constantly showcasing everyone’s highlight reel, it’s hard to forget the long hours and sacrifice, as well as the constant hustle and hard work that warrant the moments of success that are being shared with the world. Seeing these moments often leads to more comparison than congratulations or you may feel like you have fallen short rather than being fueled in knowing that you can also succeed. If she can get it done so can you. It is not a competition and there is room for everyone to win. If one woman is succeeding that just puts the woman coming behind her in a better position to excel. Always keep in mind that your light doesn’t dim when you ignite someone else’s flame; it just makes the world, and the path for all women, shine that much brighter.

I recently watched the Netflix series “She Did That,” which spoke about black women entrepreneurs and the importance of support and collaboration. Every day, women achieve success by embracing their identities and learning from challenges they have faced and some they will continue to combat just for being a woman in business. A woman’s determination to “not merely survive but thrive” in and outside of business is something that should be honored and celebrated every day.

The sense of support and efforts to collaborate are some of the most incredible aspects of working at Gambel. To have an office of women cheering you on and challenging you to be better is a rarity I do not take for granted. Be aware of the women in your life who encourage and inspire you. Don’t take them for granted and certainly don’t let them go. Also be aware of the passion, compassion, style, and achievements that you have. I guarantee that people are always watching, and you are an inspiration to someone, women and men alike.

Although there is still much to be done to achieve equality for women in the workplace, it is up to us to show up, support, and push to make a change happen. I challenge you during this Women’s History month to not only research and honor the impact women have made in history but to make it a point to support women doing outstanding things today. Shop women owned businesses, share uplifting stories or intentionally and genuinely engage with other women making things happen on social media. You never know how doing your small part can aid in another woman’s life mission to thrive.


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