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Gambel Communications Blog

Insights and tips to improve your communication efforts

A Message on COVID-19 from Betsie Gambel

Dear Clients, Partners and Friends, 

In these times of uncertainty, we—like everyone else—are navigating the new world of COVID-19. The circumstances we face are hauntingly reminiscent of Hurricane Katrina and even the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. We as New Orleanians are masters of resilience.  Our deep passion for people, our boundless creativity, our strong faith and our rich history and culture give us the skills to not only survive, but come back stronger.

To this end, Gambel Communications is carefully monitoring COVID-19’s  effect on our community, and we are working with our clients, partners and friends to identify strategies to not just make us whole again, but to make us better.

Whether you are a small nonprofit or an iconic business, our public relations team stands ready to help you develop purposeful strategies and effective communications during this unprecedented time.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to explore how we might assist you in the short term as well as for the future.  

Betsie Gambel

President, Gambel Communications

For tips on navigating public relations at this time, please see my recent article in BIZ New Orleans. And listen to the Greater New Orleans Foundation’s webinar on crisis communication presented by Gambel Vice President, Amy Boyle Collins.