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AT&T Presents $10,000 to New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter through Believe Initiative

New Orleans, LA (January 15, 2020)AT&T presented the New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter with a $10,000 check on Monday, Jan.13. The donation was the product of AT&T Customer Service Representative, Latoya Maclin submitting a winning entry, out of hundreds, for the company’s Homeless and Food Insecurity Challenge, where she chose the organization as the recipient.

“I selected the New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter because it was a great fit for the homelessness and food security challenge,” said Maclin, a Mobile, Ala., native. “I am passionate about this cause because I love helping people and want to serve the community. The work the shelter is doing is amazing and I knew the donation would be put to good use.”

Latoya Maclin’s winning submission answered the question “How can [AT&T] use our technology, data analytics and products and/or services to help improve the lives of the homeless and those who live with food insecurity?” The donation helps New Orleans Women & Children’s (NOWCS) further its mission of breaking the cycle of homelessness for families in New Orleans.

“I am honored Latoya chose NOWCS to receive this gift,” said Dawn Bradley-Fletcher, executive director of the New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter. “With Latoya not even being from the New Orleans area it really shows the impact we as an organization are making. We look forward to using this gift to help us continue to provide shelter and meals to homeless families.”

The New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter is the largest shelter for homeless women and children in New Orleans, with a mission to transition homeless families to sustainable and independent living. Since its inception in 2007, the Shelter has helped more than 2,500 homeless people transition from living on the street to safe, affordable housing. Fewer than 2 percent of the families served by the New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter return to shelter.

To help homeless women and children in New Orleans or for more information about the New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter, visit or find the organization on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@NOWCShelter). 

*Editor’s Note: High resolution versions of the photos below can be found HERE.

Contest winner Latoya Maclin and New Orleans Women and Children’s Shelter Executive Director Dawn Bradley-Fletcher

Contest winner Latoya Maclin and New Orleans Women and Children’s Shelter Executive Director Dawn Bradley-Fletcher

AT&T Regional Vice President David Aubrey, Office of the Orleans Parish Sheriff Chief Financial Officer Sean M. Bruno, AT&T Customer Service Representative and Contest Winner Latoya Maclin, New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter Executiv…

AT&T Regional Vice President David Aubrey, Office of the Orleans Parish Sheriff Chief Financial Officer Sean M. Bruno, AT&T Customer Service Representative and Contest Winner Latoya Maclin, New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter Executive Director Dawn Bradley Fletcher, Regional Director for AT&T Southeast Louisiana Michael Ruffin, New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter Staff

AT&T Regional Vice President David Aubrey, Office of the Orleans Parish Sheriff Chief Financial Officer Sean M. Bruno, AT&T Customer Service Representative and Contest Winner Latoya Maclin, New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter Executiv…

AT&T Regional Vice President David Aubrey, Office of the Orleans Parish Sheriff Chief Financial Officer Sean M. Bruno, AT&T Customer Service Representative and Contest Winner Latoya Maclin, New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter Executive Director Dawn Bradley Fletcher, Regional Director for AT&T Southeast Louisiana Michael Ruffin


About New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter: The largest shelter for homeless women and children in the metro area, New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter has served more than 2,000 women and children since 2007. A large majority (95%) of the children at the shelter are under the age of ten. An amazing 80% of the families helped since 2007 have transitioned to sustainable, independent living. For more information about the Shelter, visit

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